Building The Canadian Dream Package - 3 Essays

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Multiculturalism: Canadians - Who Are We?

Canada is a remarkable country in many ways. One of our peculiarities is our code of multiculturalism. While some nations require their immigrants to relinquish the culture of their native country, Canada encourages people to maintain the features of their homelands and to share them with other Canadians. This has made us strong and given us the potential to reach out with good faith and goodwill to people everywhere.

We can and must reach out to the world with our inclusive and accepting culture. And we must do it quickly, efficiently and diplomatically. The need is Urgent! The people of The Earth need to learn to live together in peace before they destroy themselves, along with the environment, our children and us. Canada and Canadians can lead the way in this area of promoting peace, which is our strongest area of expertise and unique in history, for history is largely the story of wars. We need a Plan.

We can show the people of The Earth how to live together in peace and harmony and productivity, regardless of language, religion, ethnic origin, gender, or any other human feature. The world needs what we have built here. Our Human Technologies can help transform The Earth into a more kind, clean, generous, peaceful and hospitable place. Multiculturalism has made it possible for us to reach out to the hurting world and help bring healing, tolerance and compassion to people everywhere.

“Don’t keep the peace…pass it on.”


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