Building The Canadian Dream Package - 3 Essays

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Canada – More Than An Economy

Canada is far more than a raw economy – GNP, market trends, stock prices, real estate and so forth. We are also a unique society, a culture, a dream, a land mass, a set of resources, relationships, values, AND people.

We are more than natural resources to be sold on the stock market and torn from the ground at any cost. We are more than water to drive the enterprises of foreign and domestic businesses. We are more than money and precious metals and base metals and lumber and manufactured goods and coal and salt and bauxite and electrical generation and wheat and potash and hi-tech ideas.


Unique in history and in the world

We are leaders in innovation and science and media and Law and Human Rights and Justice and security and business and Aid and medicine and powerful peaceful nuclear technologies and applications. We are more than buildings and urban sprawl and planning and big box stores and forests for destruction. We are more than the sum of all of these.

We also are a history [many histories combined] and a geology and an Idea and a Dream and a set of Values and Principles that is universally respected. Chief among these Principles is our belief in The Rule of Law and Equality under Law, Constitution, and Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

We are educators and intervenors in places with trouble and we are friends to the whole world from which our people are drawn. We are citizens of the world and people of this hour in history.

We are partners with people everywhere who wish to build a better world and a safer world community. We are Canadians and we love our nation, our children and our place in the hearts of the world's nations and peoples.

We cherish our freedoms and Rights and privileges and duties and responsibilities and our amazing and diverse nation. There has NEVER EVER been a place or society like Canada. We are a miracle.


The Economics of Leo Strauss

Our current Prime Minister wants to reduce us down to banks and stocks and bonds and budgets and GNP and strategies to confuse one another and maintain control. He does not see the remarkable and wonderful thing that we have become. So he has no interest in advancing it or preserving it.

How can he possibly see our potential when he does not even see the amazing thing we are now? Our social safety net has made us remarkable and now Mr. Harper [who is well named btw] wants to destroy it and dismantle it for the sake of a few more dollars in profit for those who always profit most.

Mr. Harper thinks these wealthy people are his friends and that they will accept him as their friend once he has helped them to destroy our collective Dream. He is in for a BIG surprise when they throw him aside and find another flunky.


How far is too far?

Will we let him get that far? We need to recognize the danger we are in and act together to pull ourselves out of the tailspin into which Mr. Harper's government has thrown us. This man is not our friend.

He is the friend of America's interests and cannot see the wonderful potential in our beautiful nation and people and society and culture. He is blind to our unique qualities, characteristics, strengths, gifts and potential in a world that badly needs our help.

America will benefit most if we act independently and do what no other nation can do...not even our friend America. We can help them in ways that they cannot help themselves at this point. America in under great pressure and we should help them in our own unique way - The Canadian Way.

A national economy includes people and values and jobs and a Vision or direction – a dynamic. It is activities and so much more. Harper only sees dollar signs and misses the human signs of success: health, well-being, happiness, opportunities, freedoms, dignity, choice, Liberty, democracy, and more...much more than just money. All Canadians are wealthy because of our society and culture – that is, because of our complete economy which was built democratically by our people for our people.

Harper believes that our great Canadian experiment must fail and he has set out to prove his theory...even if he must trip and deceive us in order to do so. This is not the kind of leadership we need and want.


Quantum Economics 2.5

Mr Harper fancies himself an economist because he studied macro economics in university for a few years. There he was sold on a foreign agenda by foreign operatives in our midst who do not appreciate our hospitality and inclusiveness enough to mind their own business.

As we drift, foreign and corporate powers are moving in to grab and own our heritage – Canada with all of her wonderful qualities and resources. Harper wants them to have what we own collectively as if we had no right to possess wonderful and amazing and lucrative resources that help all Canadians. It verges upon treasonous action. At best it is a betrayal.

A truly competent economist will see the whole picture – lock, stock and barrel. If I can see it with my visual limitations perhaps others can too. Stephen Harper cannot! He lacks the Vision, the Courage, and the Imagination that is required to do good economics and governance in the real world of all Canadians.


Anonymous said...

Having been a part of the Online Universal Work Marketing team for 4 months now, I’m thankful for my fellow team members who have patiently shown me the ropes along the way and made me feel welcome

g-test said...

I was watching the World Economic Forum this morning and Clinton gave great praise for the Canadian people and their generosity helping out in Haiti. He commented that Canadians were number one in the world contributing to the aid effort. Your words ring true about the unique and special nature of Canadians and it does go beyond dollars and cents.

Canadians are world leaders in good manners and keeping the peace. Our shine has begun to tarnish; we are leaders without a leader. I watched Obama's State of the Union address yesterday and witnessed an inspirational leader who listens to his people and responds with reasonable and common sense actions, whether right or wrong the process felt right and gave me hope even though I'm not an American. It is very like Canadians to find hope by virute of the good fortunes and well being of others.

Canadians are world leaders without a leader.