Building The Canadian Dream Package - 3 Essays

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ambassadors For Peace

In this possibly terminal phase of human existence, democracy and freedom are more than just ideals to be valued - they may be essential to survival. - Noam Chomsky

The woman [sic] who really loves her [sic] own the woman [sic] that wants to see other peoples' children get their chance too. Nellie McClung

There exists another compelling reality that possesses power to convince us of the need for fair and equal treatment of children in our publicly-funded and
sanctioned school systems. As I mentioned in my opening remarks, Canada is a nation that is coming of age in an historic Moment in which we are badly needed in the Global Community.

There is an emerging sense amongst citizens of The Earth that Canada is doing many things right. We do not seek to harm our neighbours, but rather offer all people kindness and support, especially in times of crisis.

As the world descends into what seems a deeper and steeper spiral of crisis upon deeper and more complex crisis, The Canadian Way is emerging as a beacon of Hope for the community of nations and for the citizens of every part of the Globe.

We have a reputation for making and keeping peace politically and militarily. A frightened and hurting world in conflict is looking to us to discover how people of all types and backgrounds and from every religion and nationality and language group can live together in relative peace and harmony.

We are a microcosm of and the model for a future world that can be responsible and co-operative and just and compassionate, and peaceful.

In order to export this, perhaps our most valuable cultural feature, we will need citizens who know the feel and the zeal of Liberty and are able to co-exist with and value their neighbours as equals, no matter what their condition or age or economic, social or educational status.

There will be no army of Ambassadors for our way of life if we do not provide clear and concrete opportunities for our young people to enjoy the richness that exists in being equal before a Just Law within a functional and purposeful set of Values and guided by a Vision of hope.

If we treat children with kindness and respect they will be much more inclined to remain in school, to get an education and training, and to support the system that supports them in and with appropriate manners.

Children are and can be such able, gentle, kind, co-operative, respectful, interesting, fun, helpful and educational people. Our teachers can learn much from them as students, as do the best of our post-secondary teachers learn from their students.

If we do not actively and energetically, efficiently and intelligently export Peace and our methods of achieving it, then it is highly likely that War will come to visit us in Canada. At that point most concerns around education, teacher employment contracts, availability of resources and so forth will be moot [irrelevant].

Perhaps we can preempt this possibility by acting in accordance with the real urgency of our circumstances and situation. To act now can prevent much
suffering later for Canadians and people of all nations.

Our situation could change suddenly and dramatically for the worse. But we [Canada] can make a significant positive difference. One way is through appropriate and effective education.

Children need Equal Rights in Canada, in our public schools and everywhere.

Peace Pays!

[excerpt from Our Most Precious Treasures: The Rights Of Children - chapter 8]

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