Building The Canadian Dream Package - 3 Essays

Friday, August 31, 2012

A Nation of Leaders

A Gifted Population
Canadians are almost without exception leaders in their own spheres of activity and communities. Providing leadership to a vast army of leaders is an interesting challenge that requires respect and tact.

Who can provide leadership that can pass the scrutiny of Steve Paikin, Andrew Coyne, Michael Coren, David Mainse, Christine Williams, Sid Ryan, Elizabeth May, John Gormley, Andrea Horwath, Evan Solomon, Gilles Duceppe, Justin Trudeau, and the diverse network of humanity and opinion that has grown up in this land of freedom? 

We have no shortage of genius and leadership in this country – which is a great blessing ripe with potential in a world steeped in chaos. This is no small challenge.

Abundance of Leaders
Leadership also runs deep under these top level and more visible personalities. They represent communities which are in turn comprised of leaders. Every teacher in every classroom in every school and the children they nurture, every manager and foreman and high fashion model and designer and bosses on the shop floor, fishing boat, mining project, construction or power project.

Bankers, businesspeople, bullies and blowhards. First Nations chiefs, mayors, fire and police chiefs and military commanders - they are all Canadian leaders in their own right as are those whom they lead...and they each and collectively in turn need leadership. Life is complex and difficult for all people.

The Challenge
So this is the challenge – to provide leadership that speaks comfort, hope and meaning with clarity to the entire community – in at least two official languages. Yet there are other factors at play aside from our diversity and our inclusiveness. We hold different beliefs – religious, scientific, political, social, cultural, and so on.

Moreover we live in far-flung communities where equality is rare and justice is in need of support – from Attawapiskat to Rosedale and from Smithers to Westmount and Cornerbrook and Halifax there is suffering and sorrow and human need for assurance that things can be made right, made better, safer, more profitable in every way. In short people need hope.

Scrutiny and Integrity
Any proposal must pass the heartless scrutiny of Rick Mercer, Guy A. Lapage and Ron James, all thirteen premiers and cabinets, a vast community of diverse artists in all fields and creative people in all places and occupations AND the Media. This number must also include an unelected Senate, an appointed judiciary and a battery of lawyers too large and smart to comprehend.

There is a world class community of scholars and scientists and engineers and professionals in all vocations – in field, forest, factory, office, classroom and store front. Even our waiters, cab drivers, labourers, unemployed and stay at home parents are brilliant, educated and caring.

Neither can any plan offend our diverse faith communities and those who claim no such beliefs - all at the same time. It must meet the standards of the Constitution, Charter, Law, Supreme Court, business communities, social communities, activist communities, organized labour and rocking chair politicians of every description and stripe. 

Then there is the international community and an intricate network of treaties, agreements and detente and a list of vested interests and powerful dynamics. First Nations and ALL nations will look for their share in the plan. This is one TALL order. Lol

Perspective and Reality Check
So let me quote something here that I read this week somewhere, “The dream never matches up to the reality that follows when we reach for it.” In other words, “Don't get your hopes up!” 

But my hopes are already up because I see the extraordinary people with whom I share this country and this planet and the plans THEY have for a meaningful and hopeful future. This makes me hopeful and optimistic about the future I dream. Their dreams – your dreams – are my dreams – shared dreams.

Sadly this crude paraphrase accurately communicates a pessimistic view of a common phenomenon – dreams – waking and sleeping, hoping and fearing. And many dreams do fail and falter and prove futile or false. 

Yet I often find the opposite to be true – the result by far outstrips the dreams and plans I carried into a situation – by unimaginably large magnitudes. I often stand amazed. Going to university gave me that experience.

Canadian Wealth
It is our rich Canadian culture that enriches us and the world beyond our borders through many programs, relationship and opportunities in business, education, friendship, art, trade, science, diplomacy and in every way. 

This Canadian Culture has evolved in the warmth of Canadian hospitality like that which helped America air passengers on 911 in Gander or the assistance sent to Haiti after their earthquake and a thousand other points of sustainable light.

Canada is a unique and amazing place that is full of leaders in every area and in every occupation and position in society - from school children to Members of the Privy Council to global artists and NGOs. We have a collective opportunity and responsibility to reach out to the world before the world closes in on us. This action must cut mustard with the intelligence community, the law enforcement community, the armed forces community, and citizens of all kinds, origins and descriptions.

This is the kind of democratic leadership that I'm proposing in the Plan of Hope. It has a democratic spirit and employs democratic values, practices and methods within the traditions of democracy in Canada and inside the institutions and processes we have built and nurtured with which to govern ourselves together democratically.

Tools for the Job - The Long View
We do NOT have to reinvent the wheel of Liberty. It's in our documents – Constitution, Charter of Rights and Freedoms, society and a history of case Law stretching back more than a thousand years to a time of kings and Magna Carta.

This plan takes the diligence and creativity, the sense of justice with compassion of many great Canadians and imports this work for all to see, help with and benefit from. By supporting others I propagate democracy – your ideas and dreams and aspirations matter to me and to the national community. The Plan of Hope is evidence that I recognize that and that I listened and took notes.

I believe that this diverse community of leaders need leadership that empowers them and enables them to do the impossible in an age when nothing less will do to face our current complex set of challenges. I believe that I am that leader because I have been doing this work for a long time with results that are not obvious to most.

The ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu – whose work I read many times in both English and Classical Chinese beginning at the age of fifteen – claimed that “When the best kind of leaders complete their work the people say - We did it ourselves.”

Working with this model and implementing what I see as a gift for democratic political leadership and action I have quietly and patiently stood up for, fought for and worked for Canada and Canadians in many important ways - both on our soil and abroad.

A Modest Proposal
Now I propose that we take our collective goodwill, intelligence, skills and resources and build a hopeful world together along with global neighbours everywhere. “Come all who will for an alliance of the good-willed.”

The Math – calculations and analysis - tells me that we have all that we require to build another Canadian century of prosperity, Liberty and responsibility that will benefit people everywhere and build warm and lasting relations among nations as we all address this macro-crisis together. The Chinese word for crisis means 'danger and opportunity'.

In this way we will be better able to help allies and neighbours alike in an age of limitations. Who better to lead the world than a community of leaders!? Our best years lay ahead.

Daring Resolve
As in the time of Sir Walter Scott, we are in need of “...people of daring resolve”. We are best when we harness and embrace those people of genius in our midst - in all sciences and branches of learning and research and endeavor. Science needs time to expand and space in which to grow. This requires political will that delivers responsible and reliable funding. 

This is the respectful and sensible approach I have taken in compiling The Plan of Hope. I've consulted Canadians in the process of assembling a wholly Canadian plan for a healthy, confident, successful, sustainable Canada – a priceless inheritance for our children.

We deserve government that respects us as the extraordinary people we are. Canadians are unlike any people who have ever lived anywhere at any time in human history. We deserve better and we can DO better. Stephen Harper is shortsighted and heavy handed and we need leadership that is warm hearted and able to recognize and respect the amazing qualities of the Canadian Citizen.”

CANADA – Stand alone and work together!

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