Building The Canadian Dream Package - 3 Essays

Monday, December 8, 2008

What Is Needed - Leadership 1

A growing number of people in this country are talking about our need for appropriate Leadership. But I haven’t heard much useful talk about what leadership is. People know they need “something” but there seems to be little clarity about what it is. So I’m going to talk about it and write about it in hopes that the leaders that we need can be found, and the solutions implemented in a timely fashion.

We can see many examples of leadership in our society, in the world, and in history. Some leaders have become legends, often for good reason. There has been a succession of great leaders on the world’s stage. Wellington is credited with having saved England and Europe by defeating Bonaparte’s French army at Waterloo, with German aid. Churchill defeated Hitler’s German army with Allied and French aid. Lincoln freed the African-American slaves and Wilberforce ended slavery in the British Empire.

Great leaders are forged in the fire of personal experience and historical crises. As we are facing a crisis of unprecedented magnitude, we need leaders and leadership that can deal with this reality.

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