Building The Canadian Dream Package - 3 Essays

Monday, October 13, 2008

What the Conservative Party of Canada REALLY thinks about First Nations people and land claims.

This article is critical for those who love this country...True North Strong and Free.

Here's an interesting article about Harper's brain trust. Number One is Tom Flanagan. It turns out that Harper's best friend and trusted political advisor and confidant is an enemy of First Nations People...and of Canadian artists and Canadian children and Canada! Hmm.

Also the article points out these people in the Political Science Department of the University of Calgary have connections to the Pentagon and the US State Department, et cetera. Hmm. I met Tom Flanagan a week ago and that got me looking into his sense of purpose. Rude man. Rude rude man. The article says a lot about why...and how.

He's an American and a Republican. He's also what some Marxists would have called an historical revisionist, which he uses to attack Aboriginal land claims in behalf of the U.S. State Department as an "expert witness".

Perhaps that's where the Arts money will go that's being taken from artists. :) Get THIS! Flanagan received almost a million dollars from the Canada Council. lol And much more from the US State Department.

And they want to build more prisons in which they can put more children and citizens, which will require tax increases.

I hope others will help me and Stephane Dion defeat them. Liberals need your votes and Dion is a devoted Canadian. He fought for Canada's unity when others had bailed on the idea. He's kind, bright, HONEST, collegial, modest, and respectful. I can recommend him to all Canadians after much close scrutiny. We need him and he needs us right now. Please consider it.

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