Building The Canadian Dream Package - 3 Essays

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Killing Christmas

Five hundred years ago Martin Luther dragged an evergreen tree into his living-room with the assistance of his children and set it up standing. He placed candles on branches and lit them to signify the coming of the light into the Dark Ages and the beginning of the Reformation and Age of Enlightenment.

Since then the practice of using evergreens in our homes as part of the Christmas celebration has spread, first throughout Germany and Europe, then globally. It has been an elaborate distraction from the real meaning and purpose of this Christian holiday. In the Bible Jesus is called “the Light of the world.”

In North America millions of trees are slaughtered every winter in what is described as a “Christian” celebration.

In fact these practices have nothing to do with the documents that define “Christian”. In this ecologically conscious age the destruction of so many trees for a folly seems insane. We need those trees alive to ensure the production of oxygen and the filtering of pollutants, as well as for the cooling effects that trees always create.

These are remarkable organisms and we should be protecting them and increasing their numbers until they blanket the Earth, rather than slaughtering them indiscriminately for an empty and self-congratulatory thrill in the mid-winter. But every year we slaughter millions and millions more, the equivalent of a giant forest.

This is an act of hostile destruction against an already compromised natural environment. Christian ethics and doctrine and the texts themselves [The Bible] all suggest that this is a destructive and wasteful and unchristian practice. We should be planting and preserving trees, rather than mindlessly slaughtering them.

But the destruction of trees is only one slap in the face of Mother Earth and the Christian faith every Christmas. We go to the trouble of manufacturing hundreds of millions of plastic-coated glass lights and the copper or glass wire used to carry electricity to these tree ornaments.

Then we put further pressure upon the environment by illuminating all of these lights. We make electricity to drive the lights and make the trees look pretty. And no, we do not use green electrical sources. Our public policy does not support that. We use nuclear power and coal and oil burning to provide the pretty picture so we can drive around our communities, consuming more fossil fuels in the process and hurting ourselves in the process.

Then we begin every year by throwing trees, ornaments, wrappings and more into landfills. Christmas, as we celebrate it is not Earth and Human friendly. God must weep over such a waste and destruction.

We must water these “ornaments” while we have them in our homes.

Here again we are putting pressure on a rare and valuable global resource in an age of scarcity. Water should be preserved, used carefully, even frugally, shared and conserved. There is no water left to waste.

Sometimes we neglect to water our pet trees. These trees can bring sad consequences to families if left unattended. Many lose their lives, families, homes and well-being through fires in the Christmas season.

On top of all of this we feed large amounts of candy and other non-necessary foods to children and add to the national children’s health crisis.

Problems of obesity, diabetes [which rose over 75% in southeastern Ontario in a recent ten year period], and general ill health result for everyone from this practice and have an impact upon national economies in many ways from health care costs to loss of work hours and many other impacting blows against GNP and tax base.

If we add up the impact of these practices upon the Earth and then measure those results against our modern Christian and social ethics [for these practices are not merely for believing and practicing Christians], then we see that we must change how we celebrate Christmas. We must find a way to bring the same joy and generosity into our lives, hearts and homes without destroying the Earth that sustains us.

I’m not sure yet how we can do it. I don’t know which practices will serve our social and religious needs. But I’m convinced that we must bring our collective brains together in order to address this ugly problem quickly. I would like to see a different kind of Christmas in 2007 which does not destroy the Earth under the guise of loving its Creator.

We must kill Christmas as we know it and reinvent it in a way that is fitting for our time and circumstance. We must kill it quickly before it kills us.

Friday, July 27, 2007


An excerpt from "The Future: Peace Pays - Exploring The Canadian Identity"

In this essay and elsewhere I have mentioned and made reference to something

I call Software. In some cases I have called it Cultural Software, Social Software
and Human Software, and sometimes Lifestyle Technologies. These ideas are
all related, and in some cases are inter-changeable. The term Software can refer
to any or all of these.

I think of this ‘Software’ as the systems, methodologies, practices, traditions,
ideas, organizational methods, thinking styles and methods we employ: Lifestyle
Technologies. All that Humans do is governed by Values, Traditions, Ideas,
Methods, and so forth. These are each and altogether Software. As with
Computer Technology, these Softwares often come in packages and we know
who invented, designed and implemented them. We know when and how.
It can be something as basic as the way we move goods, people, and services
from place to place. One example of this would be our roads, highways and
freeway systems. These require road surfaces with hidden infrastructure for
power, drainage, et cetera. Then we have signage, traffic laws and regulations,
licensing for vehicles and drivers. Add to this traditions and styles of driving.
Many details go into these transportation systems, including the design,
manufacture and regulation of these interlocking systems. These systems have
proven to be largely and increasingly complex, effective, efficient, safe,
productive, economical; some more so than others.

By thinking about these or other systems as Software and as Software
“packages” we can better evaluate and improve our culture, society, government,
judicial systems, law enforcement, industry and commerce, Human Relations,
communications, family life, education, and even our personal Core Beliefs.
The source of this form of thinking in our modern era can be traced back to the
invention of “practical existentialism” or Phenomenology. This methodology was
created by Edmund Husserl in the early Twentieth Century. Husserl’s
“philosophy” has quietly and profoundly affected all of Humanity from the most
elevated scholars to the lowest of labourers in field, forest or factory. This
analytical method is a central functional component in The Universal Culture, a
term and phenomenon which I have explored elsewhere in my essays.
As Canada is situated at the heart and axis of The Universal Culture, and
consequently in a position to affect and influence the world, it is vital that we
make good choices, and that we write [make] and distribute good Software. For
we will be sharing it with people everywhere and it will be put to the intense test
of Human life on Planet Earth.

Our “Software” is our strongest asset in Canada. We incorporate it into
everything and in every imaginable situation. Canadian Software nurtures
peace, economic strength and stability, social and political stability, democratic
values and practices, Justice and Equality, the dissolution of violent differences
and the reconciliation of enemies. It works at home and abroad. And it does
much more and can do far far more still. All we have to do is use our methods to
the utmost and the world will be safer, friendlier, cleaner, more prosperous and
productive, more creative and rational, more in every way.

Our artists and thinkers and cultural practitioners of all types from lawyers to
judges to politicians to bureaucrats to law enforcement personnel and many
others embody this remarkable Canadian Culture. It’s in our bus drivers,
teachers, athletes, waiters and pretty much everyone. And it has proven to be a
powerful force for peaceful change in the world. The increased export of our
culture in all of its forms will continue to reshape The Earth into a place that is
more friendly for Human (and other) habitation. This initiative can help a
desperate and hurting world to find help (self help), hope, and healing.

The Peace-based Economy

An excerpt from "The Future: Peace Pays Exploring The Canadian Identity".

Peace is not sign of weakness, just as violence is not a sign of strength. Peace
requires strength, self-restraint, discipline, and a pursuit of genuine self-interest.
Canada has successfully achieved a peaceful, free and Just Society where
Compassion is a governing principle.

A simple decision to strategically and intentionally move towards a Peace-based
Economy would be a strong statement to the world and an assertion of our Core
Values. The energetic pursuit of a select group of economic bases could bring
rapid economic growth while providing the means for sharing our Methods,
Values and Culture through the mechanisms of a new futuristic economy that
excludes the need for bloodshed from the pursuit of large-scale economic gain.
We can prove that Peace Pays more than war.

Canada is a world leader in a number of critical areas: education; alternative
energy technologies and research; environmental and ecological solutions;
scientific research and applications that are peaceful; diplomacy and
jurisprudence; legislative responsibility; high-tech communications and media;
policing and law enforcement; the Arts and entertainment; agriculture;
management and administration; Human Relations. Policies could be easily
introduced that are Global in magnitude that support and reward the
development and worldwide distribution of these things that characterize us as a
People and unify us as a Nation.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

- An Open Letter to Canadian Firefighters -

Heroes and Examples to Fight the Global Fire

Firefighters have done more than help people in times of need and trouble. They have done more than rescue us and help to raise money and awareness for critical social issues. Firefighters are more than heroes and examples in Canadian society. Firefighters have also helped to shape culture. Their values, methods and actions have impacted Canadian culture in many important ways, resulting in the most amazing society in human history. It’s not just the artists and politicians and journalists and inventors who have helped to shape the Canadian Identity. Firefighters have also helped to shape the Canadian perspective of peaceful, helpful support and intervention in a crisis, or in times of calm and celebration. They are perhaps the best example of all that is good about this amazing country.

The fire stations and personnel at a high level of constant readiness, the gear, the red trucks, the hoses and rescue tools, the life saving equipment and uniforms [and calendars!] all contribute a point-of-view that shows us how to live modestly in peace and security. [This is Human Software of the best kind.] Firefighters are also educators and leaders and critical members of society. We could not imagine a society without firefighters at this point. And Canadian firefighters have also helped people elsewhere, on every continent in every part of the world.

Can we imagine a society that is shaped and modeled after the selfless and brave generosity and respectful kindness that our firefighters deliver to all Canadian communities all day long every day? I have imagined exactly this possibility and I have spelled it out in the third of a three essay set entitled Building The Canadian Dream. This third essay, The Future: Peace Pays [Exploring The Canadian Identity], uses firefighters as examples and as a metaphor for who we are, what we do, and what we COULD do as a nation to help a world in turmoil that is filled with conflict and chaos and suffering. Canadian firefighters prove every day that we can do much with little and have amazing results.

These three essays represent the Past, Present and Future respectively. The first two set the stage for the argument for firefighter-like behaviour on the part of Canadians in the Global community. I urge you to read these essays, as many other Canadians have done in the course of the last eighteen months since the first one was published [including politicians, judges, scholars in many fields, educators, journalists, children and parents, et cetera]. Also see the Canadian Children’s Rights Update which accompanies the essays and describes some of the many consequences that have resulted during that time. The Senate Human Rights Committee has produced a report [available on the Government of Canada website] which supports and advances my Argument in behalf of Canadian children and for the survival and security of Canada in the 21st Century. Equal Rights for children must be the first step towards our future and our destiny. Senator Andreychuk, Chair of that committee was the first public official of many to read the second essay, Our Most Precious Treasures: The Rights Of Children, and she embraced it with passion and commitment, making my agenda Canada’s agenda. No one loves children more than firefighters, and children love them right back.

Canadian firefighters can help their Nation in yet another way. They can individually and collectively read Building The Canadian Dream and they can support the Canadian Children’s Rights Initiative. Our nation and the world are in jeopardy and firefighters can make a huge difference in the outcome. We can make Canada secure and together help the world to discover and implement our unique culture which has already impacted the world to a level far beyond our numbers. The world needs our help and firefighters can and should be on the front lines in battling The Great Fire that threatens to consume us and the Earth. They are brave, smart, prepared, resourceful, influential and willing to help all and anyone. Now they can help the whole world and assist in the rescuing of countless people who suffer and perish daily.

As firefighters you will understand when I say to you, as I have to all kinds of Canadians that we are faced with a Crisis of global proportions and this is an Emergency. We must act quickly and together or we and our children could face the ugly consequences many nations face, with war and hunger and disease, environmental disaster and chaos. Canada is the world’s last great hope in a time of extreme Crisis and firefighters should be leading the way towards safety. Our governments are slow to respond to the true emergency so we must look to those who do understand. This certainly includes Canadians of all kinds, but firefighters are the key to our future in many ways.

Many of the social ills we face are the direct result of children being excluded from Equal Rights and the Senate Human Rights Committee, Ombudsman of Ontario and many others agree. We need your strong kindness to help make this happen quickly. Please tell everyone about this Initiative and help me help children. In turn they will help us to address the Crisis.

Can you help? The Alarm is ringing and no one is responding! Firefighters are essential to our survival as individuals and as a nation. We need your help!

These essays are available for download, reading and printing on the homepage of my website and on my blog [below].


John Williams - Director – Canadian Children’s Rights Initiative

“Don’t keep the peace…pass it on.”

“Life is a team sport.”

Support Equal Rights for children in Canada!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Global Warming

Richard Attenborough. David Suzuki. Al Gore. Tim Flannery. A vast army of scientists and observers all agree that the condition of The Earth and trends in climate change suggest that humanity is on a short and steady course towards self-destruction.

There is widespread agreement at this point. But there is no appropriate and effective strategic plan in place to stop the rapid destruction and erosion of the life giving environment on our planet.

Attenborough said, “Humanity has become a force of nature. What happens next really is up to us.” [The Truth About Global Warming. CBC-TV, January 1, 2007]

We need the right Plan. We need it now. We must implement it swiftly in Canada and provide example and leadership for all of the countries and peoples of the world, from which our people are derived.

Guelph can lead the way in finding solutions and implementing them. Liberal Leader Stephane Dion has The Plan for environmental healing in Canada. I want to work with him to implement it in a Liberal Government, just as I worked for him in his bid to become the Leader of The Liberal Party of Canada. His plan gives us hope. It needs to be implemented immediately.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Democratic Values: The Torch

Democratic Values, practices and processes have been a guiding light in my life, instilled into me by my father. Liberty, equality, and fraternity, and self-government are central and enduring components of democracy.

I can only offer the voters in Guelph inclusive, free and respectful choice. A useful Vision and an appropriate strategic plan can only be formulated through consultation, discussion, and respectful debate. This is how I have facilitated government of the people, by the people, and for the people in many environments of all sizes through the course of my lifetime.

Some politicians seek to tamper with and adjust our institutions, processes, and democratic values. Often this is because they do not grasp the sublime operation of our lumbering institutions, nor the finely balanced processes we have employed in building a great nation. Some do not embrace the Values of democracy and self-government.

I embrace it all with the heartfelt gratitude to our Canadian forbearers. They’ve handed us a Torch. We should hold it high…higher. And pass it safely to those who follow. With this Torch we can illuminate the world.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Have Your Say – The Future of Canada

“Democracy is the idea that people have the Right and the ability to govern themselves.”

The vast majority of Canadians are kind, bright, literate, educated, thinking people with expertise in one or more areas. This is our national human resource. Our citizens operate at the highest levels of functionality in their various professions, occupations, activities and pursuits. The complexity of our society enables and requires us to be complex, informed and intelligent.

As we are aware, in many places in the world people cannot go to school, nor own a car and drive it. They have never flown or read a novel or watched diverse television programming. They do not enjoy the benefits of peace, good government, stable employment, wide open spaces and mass communications. In many places they don’t have an operational free press as we do, to guard our democracy along with the Rights and Freedoms we enjoy.

Our life is different in so many ways from that of all people (including queens, kings, or emperors) in every previous generation. These are the Canadian people. They’re of every national, cultural, linguistic and religious origin. They share a love of liberty with each other and with other citizens of the world.

These remarkable people should and must have a say in the evolution and operation of our democratic government – ‘self’ government. I have the proven ability and desire to enable your participation in the decision making that affects you, your family, and your future.

Support me and I will make sure that you have your say.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Harper Dithers On Aboriginal Issues

Prime Minister Harper wants Canadians to believe that he is acting in a just and compassionate manner as he negotiates with Aboriginal Communities in our behalf as our democratic leader.

Yet who among us would sanction and support his recent dithering about the tragic situation in Kasheshawan? The previous Liberal Government had allocated funds to move this community thirty-five kilometers upstream from the James Bay coastal plain that floods annually during the spring breakup of Arctic ice on their river. Mr. Harper cancelled this promised funding, saying he would find a better Conservative solution.

Instead he offered to move the community hundreds of miles from their ancestral ground to the outskirts of Timmins, an offer that the residents rejected. Then he had a study done. The Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs has announced last week that moving this community thirty-five kilometers is too expensive and there is now no viable plan for our brothers and sisters on James Bay. They have been abandoned by the Canadian Government again and suicides continue to accrue. Meanwhile spring is fast-approaching with floods, disease and despair. This is embarrassing to all Canadians. The Prime Minister is indecisive when there is no obvious political mileage in an issue.

But this issue is critical to our National Sovereignty and survival. There are precious few inhabitants of this harsh northern environment and Canada needs a presence in The North, not the removal people to Timmins. I believe Canada should have at least three military bases across our Arctic frontier to guard our melting border. And presently the Aboriginal Rangers are our eyes and ears on the ground in that region. They hold our northern flank! There are some who would regard this vast uninhabited and unguarded border as an invitation to invade. Yet they know, and we know that the Americans would come quickly to our aid. But what country in the world would welcome this aid today?

We want a strong Canadian military to protect us in a Canadian spirit and manner. We want there to be no doubt in the international community about our sovereignty from Labrador to the Alaska border. We need the people of Kasheshawan safe, prosperous, strong and free. They will help to do the same for us by their very presence in their homeland. Kasheshawan is a wonderful Opportunity to quickly find and implement creative and respectful solutions with Canadian compassion.

Mr. Dion has a different approach to Aboriginal Issues. He will reinstate the Kelowna Accord which extends respect, rights and inclusion to our Aboriginal citizens. I will help build upon that historic treaty, the first ever with agreement by all Aboriginal groups and all provinces. The Conservative government was the only party to the Agreement that withdrew! Who’s dithering now Mr. Harper?

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Human Software

Canada has ridden fast and far upon the crest of the first wave of computer technology. Computer technology has given us more than email and YouTube!. It has also given us concepts and language that are useful in addressing the set of challenges we face – environmental, social, cultural, economic, sovereignty, justice, education, health, et cetera.

For instance, most of us know what software is. We know what software packages are. We know that some software is better [more elegant, more pragmatic, more User friendly, more profitable in various ways] than other types or generations of the same software. Often the difference is better math and analysis – better Code.

The term Software can also be applied to the information [data] we acquire and the ways we implement and apply it [operating systems] in our brains, lives, society [environments], and the way we acquire information through instruction, study and research [search engines].

In Canada we have developed and/or implemented the best Human Software systems ever devised by humanity. This is our culture – The Universal Culture – which has drawn upon the best of everyone, everywhere, coupled with a vast array of supporting robotic technologies. Our Software has unique and universal application. Read my essay set “Building The Canadian Dream” on this blog for more data about Human Software.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Isaac Newton Can’t Do It! Science in Public Schools

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” - Albert Einstein

In Newton’s Universe matter can only exist in one place at a time. Yet we prove on a daily and ongoing basis that this is not true; that matter 'can' be duplicated and applied to real situations with real results. Every time we write and send an email we are aligning electrons into meaningful series and then we use these arranged electrons to DO things. These technologies are tools that enable us to make tools to do other things. In Newton’s Universe it was impossible.

Newton was wrong and Newton can’t do it. Einstein could, did, and he has enabled all of us to do it in keeping with his peculiar and effective view of reality; of the nature of the physical world and the potential that is embodied in the smallest particles of matter and their subcomponents, which are ‘non-matter’. These tools have no physical being and cannot be located in a place. They are a ‘quantum leap’ ahead of their physical predecessors. The energy contained in these small particles is really difficult, if not impossible to predict and calculate at this point in our exploration and development of this new Science…this new set of sciences.

Only Quantum Theory [math, physics, et cetera] can enable and give us a theoretical base that allows for the effective use of neutrons and electrons [quarks, coloured gluons, quantum chromodynamics] in communication and in social, cultural, physical, industrial, scientific and political change. This is a sub-atomic particle era [The Atomic Age] and we know how to use our ‘subs’ with greater and greater facility. This cannot be accommodated by Isaac Newton’s inflexible universe and requires a conception of The Quantum.

How could we have known and who would have guessed that neutrons are existent phenomena that can and must co-exist in more than one place at the same time and that we can align, arrange and manipulate these electrons in meaningful ways that change all aspects of life? Who would have suspected, given what was previously believed and taught? Newton did not allow it.

We must teach our children Quantum Theory and we must do it quickly. In order for this to be possible, teachers and others must become acquainted with the Science of their Age. Presently they seem to know nothing about it and still struggle in a ‘mechanical universe’ instead of in a Quantum Universe. Quantum allows and permits and enables miracles by the standards of Newtonian Physics. These Quantum Phenomena make the real condition and Being of the essential material of the universe the subject of a Science, rather than a mystery, a technology rather than a miracle. Not knowing this is an impediment to our National stability, progress and growth. And this ‘problem’ is rooted in our public schools and the curricula we employ in them. These are outdated, obsolete and a waste of resources, money, time and lives.

Teachers require immediate and appropriate training in this Science and other necessary Educational adjustments. This should have been done fifty years ago. Our survival and success depend upon this. We need good teachers trained in current science and with good technologies available to assist them in sharing these important components of The Universal Culture with all students in all schools. The rules have changed completely in the physical world and everyone must know…quickly.

The rules of education must also change in order to accommodate the ‘changed’ reality. One way to begin to address this set of problems is to engage the resources of research centres like The Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ontario in a public education “upgrade”. We need new approaches and understandings…new Software…quickly. And we need to learn how to implement and apply the new technologies that have already been enabled by this new science, not only cell phones, iPods, BlackBerries, but new technologies of all types. We will learn these things from our children so they should be encouraged to implement and use these cutting edge technologies in our schools. The future is in their hands in Gameboys and Quantum tools. These tools will enable a rapid response to Global problems which current technologies will not allow.

“Newton is dead. Long live Einstein.”


Sunday, February 4, 2007

On The Line appearance

Press Release 05.01.07
For immediate release

Guelph Liberal candidacy hopeful John Williams appears on CTS-TV's On The Line to discuss issues of importance to Canadian youths and seniors. Human and Civil Rights for all Canadians and “education reform for survival” are the focus in this discussion.

The program airs at 12:00 noon on Monday February 5 (CTS is cable 23 in Guelph).

On The Line is a nationally televised news headline panel discussion show hosted by Christine Williams and produced by Paul Williamson in Burlington, Ontario. Today's discussion focuses upon love and aging in the first segment. The second segment deals with children's access to cell phones and other IT devices while in school [iPods, et cetera]. The third segment deals with children's access to their special medicines and medical equipment like puffers and eppipens in school.

Also see John's blog at the link below for the newest entry, “Best Country – Worst Country”. It takes a rational look at the Conservative Party's methods of analysis as they prepare for the next election

John's next scheduled television appearance is Thursday March 1st 7 PM (Live). He will join host Tim Mau on Rogers Television's Politically Speaking [Cable 20 in Guelph] to discuss, 'Guelph as Princeton North - a quantum leap.' Watch for more information.

Friday, January 26, 2007

On The Line - Interview

John Williams - On The Line Interview - Child Advocacy

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Multiculturalism: Canadians - Who Are We?

Canada is a remarkable country in many ways. One of our peculiarities is our code of multiculturalism. While some nations require their immigrants to relinquish the culture of their native country, Canada encourages people to maintain the features of their homelands and to share them with other Canadians. This has made us strong and given us the potential to reach out with good faith and goodwill to people everywhere.

We can and must reach out to the world with our inclusive and accepting culture. And we must do it quickly, efficiently and diplomatically. The need is Urgent! The people of The Earth need to learn to live together in peace before they destroy themselves, along with the environment, our children and us. Canada and Canadians can lead the way in this area of promoting peace, which is our strongest area of expertise and unique in history, for history is largely the story of wars. We need a Plan.

We can show the people of The Earth how to live together in peace and harmony and productivity, regardless of language, religion, ethnic origin, gender, or any other human feature. The world needs what we have built here. Our Human Technologies can help transform The Earth into a more kind, clean, generous, peaceful and hospitable place. Multiculturalism has made it possible for us to reach out to the hurting world and help bring healing, tolerance and compassion to people everywhere.

“Don’t keep the peace…pass it on.”


Monday, January 1, 2007

Groundwater and Guelph

Groundwater and Guelph

“Think Global. Act Local”
-The Whole Earth Catalogue

I met him at a New Year’s party. Standing in our hosts’ kitchen he looked down upon my six-foot frame with clear and penetrating eyes framed by graying hair.

“I’ve worked for twenty-five years as a ground water technologist in the Earth Sciences Department at The University of Waterloo. I help teams of students and professors to do their field research, mostly taking samples from the limestone base in this region to test for pollutants?”

“And how do the results look?” I asked.

“Grim,” he replied. “There’s been a long history of heavy industry around here. It’s not looking good,” he said, now squinting his eyes against the painful truth that produced his words.

Grim? Yes. Impossible? No.

Dr. David Schlinder, Canada’s most respected water purity and maintenance scientist, who teaches at The University of Alberta, tells us there is still hope. But he adds that the window of opportunity is closing rapidly. “If we do not make the necessary changes in the way we manage our groundwater,” Dr. Schlinder said in a lecture at The Museum of Natural History [2005] broadcast on CPAC, “then all of our fresh water sources in Canada will be fouled beyond human consumption in seven to twelve years”. And he added that pollution is only part of the problem. We also face the possibility of serious drought in the next few years.

He spoke as a man who had shared this warning many times, convinced that no one was listening to his alarming statistics.

“But the good news is that there’s still time to act and we have the inexpensive nature-based technologies to turn back the tide of groundwater pollution. But we must act quickly and implement our science and technologies.”

It was two years ago that I heard him say this. Since then I have published some environmental ideas in my essay “The Future: Peace Pays [Exploring The Canadian Identity.]” Dr. Schindler has endorsed these ideas. One of my main recommendation is that we rapidly implement the Canadian technologies that he and his colleagues have devised.

But my philosophy concerning the environment is simply stated. “Don’t make the mess.” We must stop the poisoning and garbaging and destruction and careless overuse of the Earth. And the best place to begin is here in Guelph, a hotbed of environmentalists with a “get it done!” attitude.

Our new Mayor Karen Farbridge has Guelph’s long-term fresh water supply high on the priorities list for the next four years. She proposes planning a hundred years ahead.

I support her plans and raise her another hundred years. :)
