Building The Canadian Dream Package - 3 Essays

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Children's Holocaust - Part One

There is a worldwide holocaust being perpetrated against children. They are dying and suffering all kinds of abuse and violence and betrayal and neglect and exclusion. I have been led to wonder why adults feel and believe themselves justified in perpetrating this outrageous continuum of harm, exclusion and vilification that children experience.

Not long ago women and children were summarily grouped together and characterized as “not needing Rights” by a member of the Royal Commission that helped shape The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It was Châtelaine Magazine's celebrated editor Doris Anderson who stood up against this bigoted opinion. Thereby Equal Rights for women was included in this Charter. At this point much of the violence, abuse and disenfranchisement that was suffered by women in general has been significantly reduced. Women have Rights, though theirs, like everyone's are certainly infringed upon from time to time.

Children DO NOT have Rights. That is to say that they do not enjoy the fullness of Equal Rights as defined in the Charter and judicial interpretations of its contents. Also the Criminal Code of Canada strips children of Equal Rights, protection and opportunity in Section 43 [in locus parentis]. And this Section bestows the children's Rights upon “responsible” adults – parents, teachers, and others who are busy protecting their own share of the social pie.

Again and again “responsible” adults tell me that they are comfortable being in control and empowered while children are murdered, exploited, abused, insulted, mistreated, rejected...and blamed. I now see why it's called a “criminal” code. The intent and consequences of this Statute are criminal and we are the guilty ones.

We gather children in neighbourhood concentration camps – schools. And many do not emerge alive after eight or twelve years in these camps. The camp director, staff and prisoner supervisors make sure the children know they have neither Rights nor recourse. They are helpless, powerless and optionless.

As a child I saw these claims as lies and spent as little time in these places as possible, leaving finally, once and for all, at age fifteen. I found options, choices, safety, respect, meaning and much more outside of the machine. The Ministry of Education and Government of Ontario consider all of this Just. So does the Government of Canada. But...The Canadian Senate Human Rights Committee does not consider it Just or fair or constitutional.

Sadly the entire social analytical apparatus [the media, academia, et cetera], along with the government, institutions, families and others remain convinced that children neither need nor deserve Equal Rights. This belief is poison for the Human Spirit and destructive to a society. Our journalists sleep while children suffer exclusion, harm, exploitation of many kinds, humiliation and death. This in turn causes deep impacts upon GNP and the economy in general.

I want others to see the widespread, vicious, unjust murderous picture of what children face in Canada and worldwide that I see. To me it has the appearance of a holocaust, with countless millions dying every single year. I want my fellow citizens to see the financial, political, social, legal, ethical, moral and other consequences of this injustice. And I want them all to change...quickly...before this injustice proves to be a welcome mat to those who want what we possess – land, freedom, sovereignty, businesses. Everything is in jeopardy and few see why.

I have demonstrated elsewhere that many of these “responsible” adults are not worthy or deserving of the public trust. In fact democratic principles, values and history make explicit the idea that one should never surrender one's Rights to anyone under any condition or circumstance. To do so is to break faith with our fellow citizens and those who strove and sacrificed to win and maintain our Freedom. To do so is to become a slave, according to Abraham Lincoln.

These “responsible” others are really only damaged and alienated children of previous generations. They were thwarted, humiliated and excluded by a system that saw teachers, preachers, lawyers, doctors and so forth as 'above' others, and above reproach. This obsolete and class-ridden idea has been lain aside and then laid to rest by The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

If women had not been included in the definition of “Human” in Human Rights, Canada would have undergone a social and economic crisis. Now we are experiencing such a crisis as a result of the exclusion of children from the Social Contract.

Canadians must awaken to the injustice in this and to the threat that such injustice poses for those who perpetrate it. It's exactly like Apartheid in South Africa. But in this case the excluded ones with no Rights and Freedoms are children. Adults are in denial. Besides this we urgently need the help of our children to confront the Gathering Storm, just as children were called upon to help in the World Wars.

From Kitchener to the Congo, from Bangkok to Peking, Quito, New York, to London, Paris, Berlin, Baghdad, Cairo, Inuvik, Rio de Janeiro, Palestine, Moscow, Cleveland, Vancouver and in every town and village and region. In all places children suffer a spectrum of horrors and indignities from war to violence, prostitution, starvation and disease, slavery and torture, to internment in our poor excuses for schools, and in our police services, courts and jails.

They disappear, suffer beatings, bullying and abuse from “responsible” adults, have little or no say in their own affairs and destiny, can have their character slandered, their possessions confiscated, their opinions quashed. They receive little or no respect from society, and much abuse. Then their predictable reactions to all of this are put down to lame categories like adolescent or teenager. They are Human and are reacting in a human way to widespread and prolonged injustice. Do the Math!

This Holocaust is of such magnitude and proportion as to overshadow the Nazi Holocaust in each and every year it continues. Yet no one counts the victims. No one traces the causes to see the roots. No one tallies the insults, infractions, assaults, offenses, consequences and lame defenses that attempt to ignore and justify this horrific set of images that fill my mind from media sources every day.

Brothers and Sisters we must cease from making war upon our children, mostly via our social and governmental institutions. They need and deserve our love, nurture and protection. The holocaust must stop or we will all bear the guilt and consequences. If we do not alter our thinking and behaviour soon, we will suffer from the fallout.

Help our children and thereby help the nation and the global community. Support Equal Rights for children in Canada and an end to the silent and endless holocaust children endure everywhere.

Think global. Act local. - The Whole Earth Catalog

John Williams - Director – The Canadian Children's Rights Initiative

December 19, 2007.1500 h

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Children's Rights - The Hungry Beast

“Love people and use things, rather than the opposite.”

The global economy is using our children to starve and punish children everywhere. [see Legal Exploitation list]

Children are regarded as merchandise in the heartless corporate world and as fuel to drive the economic engines of an interlocked economic system. I suggest that we should honestly ask ourselves if we want to continue to sacrifice children for goods, services and wealth.

How long will we cooperate with this financial and economic protocol?

Let me add that there are other ways to look at children, beyond the perception that they are a commodity to be exploited, a natural resource to create a luxurious lifestyle for an already over-endowed elite.

We can, we should and we must view them as people. In my faith children are the model by which we find God and to which we must aspire. They are, individually and altogether, more sacred to us than all of the cattle of India are to the people of that place.

We are simultaneously robbing them of hope. For hope is the future to which we aspire and for which we reach, knowing that things can and will improve. We are carving up and consuming all of the earth’s resources in one generation.

These resources should be viewed as the basis for life in every generation for endless generations to come. We are stealing their legacy and turning it into garbage of various kinds. And we are doing it at a head-swirling, dizzying rate.

We should love and care for and value our children as a sacred gift, rather than seeing them as a means to gain. And we should preserve the Earth that is God’s legacy to them.


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Children's Rights - The Legal Economic Exploitation of Children

Who benefits?

[Each of these is a complex interlocking network.]

- government, bureaucracy and public employees

- internet providers, services, et cetera, including software developers/computer and technology industries

- teachers and staff and all employees of all schools & educational organizations

- movie and television and radio industry

- law enforcement

- scholars of many kinds and experts, consultants, et cetera

- the courts

- lawyers

- religious organizations of all kinds

- toy companies, distributors and sellers

- digital toy industry

- drug companies

- food companies

- music industry

- beverage companies

- clothing manufacturers

- amusement companies of all kinds

- transportation companies

- fast food businesses

- candy and confections manufacturers and distributors

- doctors, nurses, medical researchers and professionals of all kinds

- many commercial businesses: convenience/dollar stores/ children’s

- hospitals and their staff and employees

- stock market

- rehab facilities, boot camps and behaviour modification programs of all kinds

- counseling industry

- automotive industry

- pharmacists

- funeral directors and businesses

- cemeteries

- parents

- entertainment industry

- advertising industry

- Christmas industry

- Easter industry

- sports industries

- recreation industries

- cosmetic industries

- religious industries, organizations and cults

- book and magazine publishers, sellers and distributors

Who pays?

Children and their families at both ends of the food chain pay – as manufacturers and as consumers.

This is a HUGE burden for children to bear. They are slave labourers at one end of the manufacturing schema and they are slave consumers at the other. They have no rights nor dignity nor humanity in the eyes of others. They are cogs in a corporate wheel rather than the objects of parental and societal love and protection. Ultimately the entire economy is buoyed up by and built upon the exploitation of children worldwide.

In Canada boys are especially alienated and abused. Large numbers of them are incarcerated, murdered, killed in “accidents” that include auto, labour, play, sports, illness and injury, violence of many kinds, including widespread suicides and drugs/alcohol related troubles. There is no place for them but in jails and cemeteries and hospitals…or the military. This is small-minded and fails to estimate their true character and potential.

"At this point many of the beneficiaries of this exploitation are far far away and do not care about us or our children…in China, India, and USA." - The Global Economy.

We should be caring about them, rather than exploiting them for economic gain.

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Impossible - Leadership 3

The human family is faced with a set of challenges that appears to be impossible to overcome. If we simply combine the growing global environmental crisis and the growth of weapons capability and availability, and the widespread warfare and violence, then it appears that we are doomed. If we add up the genocide, disease and starvation, then the picture becomes more bleak. Add to this human greed and lust for power and our inability to resolve ancient conflicts, and we arrive at The Impossible.

Now personally I am not very interested in what is possible or easy or within reach. It is only The Impossible that interests me. I dwell with, in, and for the impossible. That being the case, I’m sure it is no surprise that our complex, present and growing Crisis has my rapt attention.

I can tell you one important thing about the impossible. It’s possible. I have spent most of my life proving that.

We need leaders who can, will, and do inspire, enable and guide us to and through The Impossible. Look for this kind of leader. Accept nothing less and no substitute.

How To Survive - Leadership 2

Do we want to survive, succeed and prosper? Do we wish to remain an independent nation with our sovereignty, liberties and culture intact? If your answer is “Yes!” then the situation in which we find ourselves requires a great exertion on the part of the Canadian people.

If we are to cherish and nurture The Canadian Dream, then we must quickly organize ourselves, embrace our collective reality, and exert ourselves as one. Anything less could lead to our destruction as a political entity and the loss of hope for all of the peoples and nations of the world.

In order to accomplish this unified exertion Canada needs leadership of a particular kind. We need to find those leaders who believe in us and inspire us to do the impossible. For the impossible is what we must do if we intend to maintain our unique democracy and survive the looming global crisis.

What Is Needed - Leadership 1

A growing number of people in this country are talking about our need for appropriate Leadership. But I haven’t heard much useful talk about what leadership is. People know they need “something” but there seems to be little clarity about what it is. So I’m going to talk about it and write about it in hopes that the leaders that we need can be found, and the solutions implemented in a timely fashion.

We can see many examples of leadership in our society, in the world, and in history. Some leaders have become legends, often for good reason. There has been a succession of great leaders on the world’s stage. Wellington is credited with having saved England and Europe by defeating Bonaparte’s French army at Waterloo, with German aid. Churchill defeated Hitler’s German army with Allied and French aid. Lincoln freed the African-American slaves and Wilberforce ended slavery in the British Empire.

Great leaders are forged in the fire of personal experience and historical crises. As we are facing a crisis of unprecedented magnitude, we need leaders and leadership that can deal with this reality.

Monday, October 13, 2008

What the Conservative Party of Canada REALLY thinks about First Nations people and land claims.

This article is critical for those who love this country...True North Strong and Free.

Here's an interesting article about Harper's brain trust. Number One is Tom Flanagan. It turns out that Harper's best friend and trusted political advisor and confidant is an enemy of First Nations People...and of Canadian artists and Canadian children and Canada! Hmm.

Also the article points out these people in the Political Science Department of the University of Calgary have connections to the Pentagon and the US State Department, et cetera. Hmm. I met Tom Flanagan a week ago and that got me looking into his sense of purpose. Rude man. Rude rude man. The article says a lot about why...and how.

He's an American and a Republican. He's also what some Marxists would have called an historical revisionist, which he uses to attack Aboriginal land claims in behalf of the U.S. State Department as an "expert witness".

Perhaps that's where the Arts money will go that's being taken from artists. :) Get THIS! Flanagan received almost a million dollars from the Canada Council. lol And much more from the US State Department.

And they want to build more prisons in which they can put more children and citizens, which will require tax increases.

I hope others will help me and Stephane Dion defeat them. Liberals need your votes and Dion is a devoted Canadian. He fought for Canada's unity when others had bailed on the idea. He's kind, bright, HONEST, collegial, modest, and respectful. I can recommend him to all Canadians after much close scrutiny. We need him and he needs us right now. Please consider it.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The New Patriotism

An atmosphere of indifference has developed in the course of the past thirty years. While on the face of it Canada has progressed in the areas of consumerism and commerce, beneath the surface there has been an erosion of the very quality that has given us our freedom and a lifestyle that is rich beyond the wildest dreams of over ninety percent of all people who have ever lived on Planet Earth.

While the deceptive voice of consumerism tells us that we are poor if we lack some important new addition to our collection of consumer items, the truth is that we need not and do not starve in this country. We look after one another in ways that are rare. And yes, it is consumerism and the capitalist economic models we employ that make much of this system of benefits possible.

The sad truth is that our citizens are infected with a rampant indifference to the glorious blessings they enjoy. And when we do appreciate something it is more likely to be those consumer goods we or others possess rather than the deeper and loftier treasures we hide in our social closet.

Few speak of freedom and liberty and equal rights as the treasures they hold dear. And it is out of fashion to mention patriotism, which has been analyzed and relegated to the pile of dirty social laundry with such items as masculinity, the warrior society, social discipline, empirical thinking and scientific method.

We would rather be governed by urgent passions; and patriotism does not turn people on. Reason and rationality and logic are remnants of that outdated and irrelevant patriarchal society that still lingers, according to some.

This kind of thinking was within our budget so long as our friends and allies were ready, able and willing to look to our security and defense. But our allies are now hard-pressed to protect their own citizens and borders and we sneer at their suggestions that there is a real threat and that we and our families are targets of these disturbed malefactors.

But we hold this perspective and opinion at risk of our peril. It is a certainty that people scattered across the face of the Earth awaken every morning to plot our destruction. They are energetic and creative and determined in their efforts and they are willing to sacrifice everything up to and including their lives, their resources and their children in their efforts to disrupt and destroy our societies and our culture and our families and friends and neighbours.

The mere recognition of these truths should be sufficient to motivate us to awaken every morning with our superior models of discipline and determination in high gear, saying “We have paid dearly in blood for these liberties and you shall not strip us of them. What has been born of divine design will not be shattered by the evil of hatred and malice and ignorance.”

For it is the Love factor that has made us strong and this alone is sufficient to overwhelm hatred and fear and malice. Love has been manifested in service and sacrifice by our forbears and She calls upon us to give our hearts for the health and safety and security of our Nation, our families, our neighbourhoods and our social systems. Schools, hospitals, transportation and energy systems have all been put in place as expressions of love.

This is the deep hidden heart of democracy where capitalism melds with freedom. We give rich and plentiful gifts to those we love. And we have in fact given them to all who inhabit our Nation, our society and our culture; we have even extended these benefits to our enemies.

The New Patriotism must take into account realities rather than being driven blindly by passion and insincere leaders bent upon our deception. This New Patriotism must enable government of the People, for the People, by the People. As it stands much of our government is of the People, for the corporations, by the corporations.

This is not to argue that corporate citizens should not be a significant part of the decision making processes. The safety, security and healthy development of corporations is a benefit to us all. Our fate and that of the corporate infrastructure are intimately tied.

The final analysis, if that analysis is fair and scientific, will show that what is good for corporate citizens is good for human citizens and vice versa. Oftentimes corporations have not evolved into conscientious and compassionate citizens in the free society, little realizing that the demise of the Nation and the systems that ensure the secure functioning of the Nation will toll the destruction of all Rights, both civil and corporate.

We need a new social contract that takes into account these indisputable truths. The terms of that as yet unwritten contract will help to shape the New Patriotism for which I work and wait.

Let it also be said that some corporations are more mature in their outlook and actions than some human citizens. By this I mean that they are far more responsible, disciplined and compassionate than many people, often because of the accountability that is demanded of them which human citizens need not endure.

I surmise that this is so because of the pure hearts who command and navigate these huge corporate vessels laden with plenty for the masses. In this manner some corporations are delivery systems for the benefit of the millions who could never conceive, manufacture and deliver these goods and services to and for themselves, not in a thousand years. People of genius and compassion and insight act in behalf of everyone, even in corporate head-offices.

This is not to be undervalued nor held in contempt. Rather it is a truth that should be celebrated and enjoyed as we cuddle on our Big Comfy Couch with our cute little well-groomed, well-educated, well-dressed kids watching cable television in our centrally heated homes plugged into electrical and gas grids and dream about where we will vacation in the shiny automobile in our paved driveway.

Granted not all citizens in the nations of plenty enjoy these pleasures as yet. However it is the goal of corporate leaders to see a widget in every home. But the percentage is relatively high here and growing more so everywhere thru quality and access to goods and services extending to more and more people. So we see the spread of these benefits to encompass and embrace the whole world. But the destruction of our systems will pre-empt that dream.

The New Patriotism is a tool for the preservation of what has been achieved and built at such high cost, enabling us to build another level of excellence and comfort into our Universal Culture as it embraces the whole world and citizens both human and otherwise.

We need fire in the heart and brow and arm and will. We need to act now to prevent the collapse of so wonderful a world which has been built upon human imagination and tears and toil. Our parents believed in it and strived to improve upon what had been left to them. We can sit back indifferently and watch it destroyed by people who do not understand us or our lifestyle.

Or we can steel our collective will to resist the intruder and throw back the violent interloper. Terrorism could very well be a blessing in disguise. If it motivates us to take action we will be saved from our own indifference and selfishness.

Rather than fighting endlessly amongst ourselves we need to recognize the true enemies of state and citizen, those who would destroy it to secure a callous and vicious control over all people everywhere. This must not be allowed to happen.




Saturday, October 4, 2008

Harper said, “Let me be clear...”

I could not even count the number of times in the course of the Federal Leaders' Debates that Stephen Harper said, “Let me be clear...about this, that and the other fella.”. LOL If it wasn't so sad, it would be VERY funny.

Clarity was the one thing that was absent from all of his contributions to the debate. He was not clear about the current economic crisis, implying that in accordance with his laissez-faire economic model of, “Leave it alone and the 'Invisible Hand' at work in the Market will self-correct.” He merely implied that, and he side-stepped direct questions from Gilles Duceppe about it. He will not act to influence the market and the economy. Mr. Dion will, as Liberals do and have. And he'll kick start the economy within thirty days of taking office. We need ACTION! And we need a plan.

Harper was not clear about any long term economic plan. He was not clear about the environment, nor the manufacturing industry, nor the softwood lumber industry, or anything else. Mr. Harper seems to believe that Canadians are idiots and that we will fall for his nonsense and accept his evasions. Sadly for him, his true character and abilities and intentions are becoming more and more evident and obvious to more and more Canadians. It's far more than his intentions of child abuse that disturb me.

This much is clear to me from what he said and did. He's smug and condescending...”Let ME be clear...” It's not, “Let's work towards clarity together.” Rather, this would characterize Stephane Dion, author of the Clarity Bill which prevents any territory or province from leaving Canada without a clear question and a strong mandate.

Harper also made it clear that he does NOT have an appropriate and effective strategic Plan for the Nation. If he did we can be certain he would have told us in order to gain our support and our votes. He didn't. We are languishing because of his lack of insight and leadership. He also made it clear that he is a disrespectful and dishonest person. He likes power...this much 'was' clear.

Because I represent children in our national debate and public discussion, I have to say that Stephen Harper is a child abuser looking for an opportunity to hurt children. If he forms another government, our children will suffer. But at least they will suffer in company with ALL Canadians, because the nation will fail.

I object to him being my Prime Minister because he wants to hurt and harm children. Let me point out that most rapes [including gang rapes] occur in prisons and the victims are boys and men. Men suffer more sexual assaults than women and it happens in our prisons. But no one talks about it, supposedly because males are not as sensitive or important as other citizens. Harper wants to put boys and girls 14-17 years old in prisons with hardened criminals who live their lives as gay and lesbians prisoners with “sweet kids” to use for their own violent purposes. These sweet kids are sexual slaves.

In prison these children will be beaten, threatened, intimidated, abused, exploited, raped and killed. This is the kind of man Stephen Harper tells us that he really is. This is what he intends for Canadian children. By contrast Mr. Dion promises them equality, justice and protection, along with Hope for a green future and sustainable opportunities galore.

Why would anyone vote for Harper? Even the worst offenders in our worst prisons have the lowest regard for others who hurt children in these ways.

The only thing clear about Mr. Harper's involvement in the debates was that he has no idea what to do.

Elect Liberals everywhere and we will have strong and clear Hope in the coming months and years. Mr. Dion is smart, focused, kind, trustworthy...and he's Ready. He has an appropriate and effective strategic Plan for Canada. He promises us a Canada that will be "Richer. Fairer. Greener." He's a man of his word, committed to this kind of hopeful future for children and all Canadians.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Harper attacks children in election campaign

Last week the Conservative Party of Canada unleashed an attack on the children of Canada as part of their election platform. Bloc Quebecois leader Gilles Duceppe put it in perspective. He pointed out that Mr. Harper wants to make children the easy targets of sexual predators in our jails and prisons. Mr. Duceppe is correct in his interpretation of Harper's stated intentions.

As a children's rights advocate I know that Canadian children are already under attack by their government, and at risk. They need us to nurture and protect them, not punish them for the wrongdoing of others. Sadly this is the number one cause of youth crime and punishment in this country - the wrongdoing of others. Our Law says a person cannot be tried for the crimes of another, but children are regularly punished for just that...and they are condemned for being young. They do not enjoy the same civil rights and protections that 'adults' do. Harper offers more of the same.

By contrast the Liberal Party of Canada has revealed that they intend to protect, nurture and care about our children, and the Earth where they must raise their own families. This is the kind of Canada I want for my children, my family and my neighbours. It would be a place where children have "equal rights, protection and opportunity", as intended by a Senate bill [S-209] that recently died in the legislative process as a result of this untimely election. Mr. Dion says we should vote for ourselves and for our children's future - for sustainability and economic policy that is realistic in the current climate.

We should tell Mr. Harper that we disapprove of his tactics and intentions, his methods and values. Rally your self, your family, your neighbours and all Canadians to stop this child abuser before he goes too far. He wants to make war on children. This seems very cowardly to me. I do not want a Prime Minister representing me who endorses and enables child abuse and is a coward. He doesn't even see the wrong in what he's suggesting.

I am particularly offended by the fact that Mr. Harper and his team claim to be treating children badly because they [Conservatives] are Christians, and represent a "Christian" view and Christian values. As a Christian theologian I know that Jesus Christ never treated children that way and He does not approve of the Conservatives saying He would. God would NOT lock children in jails with pedophiles and murders and kill them in wars.

Mr. Harper wants to lock them up like this forever - life in prison for children as young as fourteen years! We have a name for this kind of thinking and behaviour. We call it child abuse. This is legislative child abuse, which lets the worst criminals punish children for the crimes of society. Shocking! This is "cruel and unusual punishment." Knowing this about Harper it becomes clear why he has not acted to have Omar Khadr released from Guantanamo Bay when it would have been easy to do so. We can expect him to treat all of our children in the same way - lock them up and throw away the keys.

Law and society alienate children, driving them from participation in mainstream society. They are abused, exploited and rejected. Then they turn to crime and violence in their frustration. For this we condemn them, rather then adapting the society to give our children their proper place in our midst. They are Our Most Precious Treasures. We should treat them like they are.

Young Canadians and those who love them have an opportunity to elect a government that will care about us, our families, our environment, our future and our collective conscience...and especially our children. The Conservative Party of Canada will not give us these things. They don't have them to give. But the Liberal Party of Canada will. This is certain.

It's up to Canadians to make sure the Liberal Party of Canada gets the opportunity to give us what we urgently need. One of those things is Justice for our children and for all children, and another is Hope. Without these we will become a failed state and others will eat our food and enjoy our resources.

There is much work to be done. Get up and get going! Time is short. Stop this child abuser now!

Here is another opinion from someone Mr. Harper trusts. LOL

Peace Pays...more and better than war.