Building The Canadian Dream Package - 3 Essays

Monday, March 26, 2007

Have Your Say – The Future of Canada

“Democracy is the idea that people have the Right and the ability to govern themselves.”

The vast majority of Canadians are kind, bright, literate, educated, thinking people with expertise in one or more areas. This is our national human resource. Our citizens operate at the highest levels of functionality in their various professions, occupations, activities and pursuits. The complexity of our society enables and requires us to be complex, informed and intelligent.

As we are aware, in many places in the world people cannot go to school, nor own a car and drive it. They have never flown or read a novel or watched diverse television programming. They do not enjoy the benefits of peace, good government, stable employment, wide open spaces and mass communications. In many places they don’t have an operational free press as we do, to guard our democracy along with the Rights and Freedoms we enjoy.

Our life is different in so many ways from that of all people (including queens, kings, or emperors) in every previous generation. These are the Canadian people. They’re of every national, cultural, linguistic and religious origin. They share a love of liberty with each other and with other citizens of the world.

These remarkable people should and must have a say in the evolution and operation of our democratic government – ‘self’ government. I have the proven ability and desire to enable your participation in the decision making that affects you, your family, and your future.

Support me and I will make sure that you have your say.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Harper Dithers On Aboriginal Issues

Prime Minister Harper wants Canadians to believe that he is acting in a just and compassionate manner as he negotiates with Aboriginal Communities in our behalf as our democratic leader.

Yet who among us would sanction and support his recent dithering about the tragic situation in Kasheshawan? The previous Liberal Government had allocated funds to move this community thirty-five kilometers upstream from the James Bay coastal plain that floods annually during the spring breakup of Arctic ice on their river. Mr. Harper cancelled this promised funding, saying he would find a better Conservative solution.

Instead he offered to move the community hundreds of miles from their ancestral ground to the outskirts of Timmins, an offer that the residents rejected. Then he had a study done. The Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs has announced last week that moving this community thirty-five kilometers is too expensive and there is now no viable plan for our brothers and sisters on James Bay. They have been abandoned by the Canadian Government again and suicides continue to accrue. Meanwhile spring is fast-approaching with floods, disease and despair. This is embarrassing to all Canadians. The Prime Minister is indecisive when there is no obvious political mileage in an issue.

But this issue is critical to our National Sovereignty and survival. There are precious few inhabitants of this harsh northern environment and Canada needs a presence in The North, not the removal people to Timmins. I believe Canada should have at least three military bases across our Arctic frontier to guard our melting border. And presently the Aboriginal Rangers are our eyes and ears on the ground in that region. They hold our northern flank! There are some who would regard this vast uninhabited and unguarded border as an invitation to invade. Yet they know, and we know that the Americans would come quickly to our aid. But what country in the world would welcome this aid today?

We want a strong Canadian military to protect us in a Canadian spirit and manner. We want there to be no doubt in the international community about our sovereignty from Labrador to the Alaska border. We need the people of Kasheshawan safe, prosperous, strong and free. They will help to do the same for us by their very presence in their homeland. Kasheshawan is a wonderful Opportunity to quickly find and implement creative and respectful solutions with Canadian compassion.

Mr. Dion has a different approach to Aboriginal Issues. He will reinstate the Kelowna Accord which extends respect, rights and inclusion to our Aboriginal citizens. I will help build upon that historic treaty, the first ever with agreement by all Aboriginal groups and all provinces. The Conservative government was the only party to the Agreement that withdrew! Who’s dithering now Mr. Harper?