Building The Canadian Dream Package - 3 Essays

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Crisis

I see everything political in the light [or perhaps in the shadow] of The Crisis. For I am completely persuaded that humanity is facing a Crisis of historic proportions and that there is no guarantee that we, our civilizations, societies and our human world will survive intact.

Some might consider me to be an alarmist. I consider them to be sadly blinded by circumstances and distractions. There is no doubt that we are headed towards what could be a cataclysmic encounter with our bad habits and inadequate values. We have created a Crisis that is increasingly complex and menacing. It is made up of militarism, environmental carelessness and greed.

What deepens my sadness about this threatening situation is that our political leaders are not discussing nor addressing it in any sensible and clear manner. They seem to believe that if they ignore it then The Crisis will simply go away on its own like a lumbering black bear in search of a meal. They are mistaken. Or perhaps they really don't see the true nature of The Problem.

I suspect that many ignore The Problem because they see no way to deal with it, survive it, get through it into a hopeful future. What are they to tell their children and grand-children? It's frightening and frustrating for people.

These young people are startled with fear from the daily reports they hear from all authorities that they are doomed and there can be no safe, sensible and survivable future for them and their children.

How cruel and insensitive a way to treat the vulnerable young! They need to see that we have a real Plan in place that they estimate can successfully confront and defeat their fears.

I see things in a different way from most. I do see a way through this complex Crisis and I see a way to survive and gain some ground against this menacing set of enemies. This “way” is what I call The Canadian Dream.

According to my research and analysis we can Build this Dream with the resources, human and otherwise, that we possess. In so doing we will take a leadership role in a world in need of hope and leadership.

It will require diligence, imagination and political will to do survive and succeed. This will require sustained intentionality and sustained exertion by a large segment of the population. That will require real leadership in the office of the Prime Minister and this Prime Minister cannot deliver it.

Some believe that politics requires them “to lay down and take it.” My Plan requires you to stand up and give your very best.

Peace Pays!

“Don't keep the peace...pass it on.”

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