Building The Canadian Dream Package - 3 Essays

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Children's Rights - The Legal Economic Exploitation of Children

Who benefits?

[Each of these is a complex interlocking network.]

- government, bureaucracy and public employees

- internet providers, services, et cetera, including software developers/computer and technology industries

- teachers and staff and all employees of all schools & educational organizations

- movie and television and radio industry

- law enforcement

- scholars of many kinds and experts, consultants, et cetera

- the courts

- lawyers

- religious organizations of all kinds

- toy companies, distributors and sellers

- digital toy industry

- drug companies

- food companies

- music industry

- beverage companies

- clothing manufacturers

- amusement companies of all kinds

- transportation companies

- fast food businesses

- candy and confections manufacturers and distributors

- doctors, nurses, medical researchers and professionals of all kinds

- many commercial businesses: convenience/dollar stores/ children’s

- hospitals and their staff and employees

- stock market

- rehab facilities, boot camps and behaviour modification programs of all kinds

- counseling industry

- automotive industry

- pharmacists

- funeral directors and businesses

- cemeteries

- parents

- entertainment industry

- advertising industry

- Christmas industry

- Easter industry

- sports industries

- recreation industries

- cosmetic industries

- religious industries, organizations and cults

- book and magazine publishers, sellers and distributors

Who pays?

Children and their families at both ends of the food chain pay – as manufacturers and as consumers.

This is a HUGE burden for children to bear. They are slave labourers at one end of the manufacturing schema and they are slave consumers at the other. They have no rights nor dignity nor humanity in the eyes of others. They are cogs in a corporate wheel rather than the objects of parental and societal love and protection. Ultimately the entire economy is buoyed up by and built upon the exploitation of children worldwide.

In Canada boys are especially alienated and abused. Large numbers of them are incarcerated, murdered, killed in “accidents” that include auto, labour, play, sports, illness and injury, violence of many kinds, including widespread suicides and drugs/alcohol related troubles. There is no place for them but in jails and cemeteries and hospitals…or the military. This is small-minded and fails to estimate their true character and potential.

"At this point many of the beneficiaries of this exploitation are far far away and do not care about us or our children…in China, India, and USA." - The Global Economy.

We should be caring about them, rather than exploiting them for economic gain.

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