Building The Canadian Dream Package - 3 Essays

Monday, February 1, 2010

Wartime Economy

Wartime Economy [Part 1]

Our government has told us that we are at war and that this requires “wartime measures”. Wartime measures should be more than the withdrawing of Human and Civil Rights and concealing our government's crimes – for example the torture of Afghan prisoners.

Wartime measures ought to include a wartime economy. Being thrifty and economical was part of the Victory that Canada and our Allies enjoyed in World War 2. If those at home had been wasteful with resources then those at the front would have perished. Then we would have all become slaves to Adolph Hitler and his evil friends. There are people like Hitler living today who would love to kill us and take what we possess.

This could all happen again. An armed, hostile, aggressive nation [or corporation] could invade Canada, defeat our Armed Forces, compromise our government through secret infiltration as they have done and are doing in many other countries. And believe it or not all people in the world do not love Canada as we do.

Our soil could then become a battle ground and would then be destroyed by the conflict that would follow. Imagine war on our soil for just a moment if you will. I'm working hard to avoid that. We would lose no matter what happened and those who came to “save us” would win.

Great fortunes would be made by the great and fortunate while many 'ordinary' Canadians would die, starve, become impoverished, displaced, suffer all kinds of indignities and end in helpless despair. I leave it to your imagination to determine who that “saviour” might be.

'They' could quietly enslave our fat and lazy and distracted and disinterested population and destroy the Dream that we have built here together. This CAN happen. I think it's ALREADY happening. We have to GET READY...and soon...or lose our home and native land. If I can see our vulnerability then it's likely that others who want to harm us can also see it.

Call to Arms...and Legs and Hearts and Brains [Wartime Economy - Part Two]

Obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes are all in the news today. There has been a 125% increase in these conditions in the past ten years in Canada among young adults 14 - 40. An out-of-shape nation is a vulnerable nation.

If we don't get in shape some ambitious entity [nation, alliance, corporation, oligarchy or group] will come in here and take what we have by force or deception. We can only keep what we can defend. We have to get in shape as a nation in every way, including physical conditioning...battle ready and standing on guard for thee.

Yo Canada! Wake up and save yourselves!

I invite you to begin a new period in your life and in the life of the nation. If you can do nothing else and you are able, get out for a walk today and every day. Even if you only walk around the block or part way around, or around your living room, do it every day as if your life and the security of Canada depended on it. It does. Do something for the cause of Canadian independence. Do your bit and I'll do mine. Together we can do great things. Consider this walking to be your duty as a citizen.

Walking or some form of fitness will start to reshape you...Canada's most valuable resource...The People. Let's get in shape together one small step at a time and one day at a time. Invite a friend to join you or walk alone. Walk proud as you serve your country by pursuing good health.

This will take strain off of our tax and health care systems. If we succeed in this first step towards a prosperous and hopeful future, then we will have the strength, the courage and the momentum to choose what Canada will be and who will own it.

Weakness, indifference, laziness, distraction and division will cause us to lose this good life that has been given to us. In order to keep what we have and what is ours, we must work hard, be vigilant, and plan for all contingencies. Others prepared and sacrificed to create this great nation. Now we must prepare and sacrifice to keep it. There is no other way.

Why? [Wartime Economy – Part 3]

Why should we care or try or work hard for our nation?

Canadians have been largely lulled into indifference about their nation and future, about their liberties and possessions, and even about their health. Our society-wide “Culture of Entitlement” has blinded us to our vulnerability.

A top notch health care system is not the solution to widespread ill health. Our machine tools and toys cannot replace strength and mobility. Armies are built upon infantry. A strong and secure nation is also built upon the health of her citizens. [Apparently Captain Canada is a woman!]

Disciplined exercise and good eating habits do more than pills and surgeries. Optimism born of an appropriate and compelling Vision is essential for good health for a person, a family, a business or organization and also for a nation.

We know from the daily media reports and the few remaining democratic news services that there is a war raging out there in the world. We have enemies who want to destroy us and our children. They are willing to sacrifice their own children to the god of order to destroy us and our way of life. Those who believe in the God of Life cannot support this kind of activity.

Child sacrifice is an ancient practice...and it is an abominable one that believes that the father [parents] has/ve the right to kill the if that child were his/hers and not God's. As if that child were not a citizen with the Right to Life. We call that murder in Canada and consider it to be a detestable practice...even when it's done on the other side of the globe and for religious reasons. This is SERIOUS Stuff!

Rather than sacrificing our children, we seek to protect and defend them, to educate and enable them. In order to protect and defend our children we are going to have to be strong and fit. After all, our children are “our most precious treasures.”

“O Canada we stand on guard for thee...”

We need a strong sense of Purpose to inspire and motivate us to rise up together and act in our own best interests and in our own defense. We cannot leave it to other nations to defend us. We can't afford that any longer and neither can our allies in NATO.

We have to be able to defend what we possess or we are likely to lose it. We can choose our destiny and the outcomes we live with...or we can let “others” choose for us and they will...gladly. This can be easily accomplished if we choose.

As the late Chairman Mao of China said after the Long March that led to Chinese independence and prosperity, “A journey of ten thousand kilometers begins with one step.” Take that step on the sidewalk outside your home every day.

Walk with me for Canada. I hope to see you on the sidewalk.

This is a Call to Arms. Repell the enemy.

Now is the time for all good Canadians to come to the aid of their Captain...Captain Canada!

“Wake up! Get fit! Prepare! Work together!”

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