Building The Canadian Dream Package - 3 Essays

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What Stephen Harper Hates About Canada and Canadians

Stephen Harper hates...

- The CBC – Canadian Broadcasting Corporation...and Don Newman. That Don Newman was such a nuisance that Stephen Harper had to find a way to eliminate him from the daily airwaves in Canada while making his CTV competitor Mike Duffy a Senator of all things. LOL

In order to remove Don Newman the government disrupted the operation of Canada's national broadcaster and undermined the financial status of this publicly owned corporation. That is "our" corporation.

- The Public Service Commission
- look it up!

- Government Departments' bureaucrats and employees.
- They're ALL Liberals and opposed to the Government according to Mr. Harper. Well maybe there are some NDP people in the public service too. lol

In fact they are merely Canadian patriots and generally VERY competent at their jobs. This cannot be said of the Prime Minister, for he is NOT competent. We have the best bureaucracy in the world.

- The Judiciary - courts, judges, The Law, lawyers...the whole package.
- more "meddlers" in Stephen's mind.

- The Health Care System. Stephen says, "Too expensive and people should have to pay for themselves and not use his [Stephen thinks he owns the nation and its money!] money for the needs of the lazy poor."

In fact the poor are the ones who pay taxes and it's their money. Stephen thinks that the rich deserve that money and the poor and homeless should move somewhere out of sight so they don't ruin our international reputation during the Olympics. This man DOES NOT love our people.

He believes that health care and education are the two biggest wastes of financial resources. Of course the opposite is true...again.

- all media and press scrums - these reporters cause trouble and should obey the Prime Minister and his media drones. He has proven that he CAN avoid the free press who get information for citizens so we can participate in our democracy.


Stephen Harper hates...

- Her Majesty's Official Opposition and all opposition parties, members, leaders and ideas. ONLY Stephen has ANY good ideas according to Stephen.

- opposition..period! - Stephen wants EVERYBODY to agree with him, no matter how absurd his ideas may be. If they don't agree with him there will be "consequences" for this is a vengeful and petty man.

- the provinces and the Powers and Rights of those provinces
- They are supposed to listen to Stephen and toe the line if they want any help [money] from the Conservative Government. You KNOW what happens to those who oppose them don't you!?

- science...especially environmental sciences...and scientists.
They ALL seem to disagree with Mr. Harper and he resents that.

- clarity and accountability to Parliament/The House of Commons
- Stephen Harper thinks Parliament should be accountable to him...not the other way around as required in the Constitution!

- balanced budgets that make Canada financially and economically strong and secure - good fiscal and monetary policy. He destroyed a surplus left by the previous Liberal government of Paul Martin. He destroyed it with ease and has sunk us all into deep international debt.

- the peaceful nature and values of Canada and Canadians. Stephen likes long as HE doesn't get hurt!


Stephen Harper hates...

- rational analysis

- bloggers! LOL

- The Canadian Senate - According to Stephen it's a non-democratic, non-elected body who interfere with the secret/secretive plans of the Prime Minister. How sinister on the part of The Senate and Senators. They want to preserve this silly democracy we have.

In fact they are holding him in check as prescribed in the Constitution. They are intended to be a check and balance against out-of-control prime ministers.

American methods are far better and should be implemented here according to Stephen Harper. In fact he thinks we should become part of the U.S.A . and give up on this silly Dream we call Canada! That's what Stephen Harper thinks.

- The Canadian Constitution - It interferes with Stephen's plans.

- The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - This just gives people reasons to complain. Why does everybody think they deserve Rights and Freedoms? This Charter is our Guarantee against people like Stephen Harper and his invisible "friends" who are rich anonymous people you never see.

It's not our farmers or our artists for whom he is working so hard. But these people are working hard for Canada and the world! These are NOT Stephen's friends!

- a Cabinet of Ministers who discuss and govern as a team - Stephen can "rule" on his own without help or interference from others...even those in his Cabinet and Caucus.

- The Supreme Court of Canada - more meddlers

- The House of Commons
- A bunch of people who think they have the Right to speak and ask him questions and embarrass him and cause his plans for personal dictatorship to fail.

- Commons Committees and Senate Committees
- always slowing down Stephen's willful efforts to have his own way...and right now darn it! Who invented parliamentary committees anyway?


Stephen Harper hates...

- The Canadian Wheat Board - the enemy of Canadian farmers along with all agricultural marketing boards that have brought stability to our agriculture industries.

- Atomic Energy Commission of Canada - a waste of taxpayers money. Why should we help the whole world become more healthy through high tech science? Silly waste of time and energy.

- Auditor General of Canada - Stephen thinks that she's a meddler and should mind her own business and let the government mind it's own business. She's actually VERY thorough and competent but the Conservative Government interferes with her doing her duty.

- Governor General of Canada - She's a false authority according to Stephen Harper...but he uses her when he wants to shut down Parliament and silence official debate.

- The Canadian Constitution - This is the same one that Mr. Trudeau brought home from Great Britain and asserted our independence.

- The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- These are silly ideas that interfere with Stephen's personal ambitions...he thinks.

- Canadian Crown Corporations
- These are large successful businesses that have been financed with taxpayers' money and have enriched ALL Canadians. Stephen thinks they should all be sold at an unreasonably low price to his corporate friends...for whom he is a puppet of some sort. Watch out for his grows.

- free speech
- Stephen is the ONLY one entitled to an opinion. I bet his wife quietly obeys in a good Christian silence. Lunacy! [I'm being sarcastic here...but I'm doing it as a theologian.]

- the independent spirit of the Province of Quebec..and of ALL Canadians.

- Premier Jean Charest of Quebec! LOL

- The Province of Ontario and Premier Dalton McGuinty..and also Newfoundland and Premier Danny Williams


Stephen Harper hates...

- Canadian women

- Canadian artists of all genders and cultures

- Canadian children

- Canadian farmers

- Canadian fishermen

- Canadian wildlife

- Canadian workers and jobs

- the Canadian poor and unemployed

- Canadian alternative energy advocates and all environmentalists

- Canadian labour unions of all kinds...and the NDP who support them. LOL

- The Federal Bloc Quebecois Party and Gilles Duceppe their intrepid Leader.

- the Canadian Green Party, their Leader Elizabeth May and all of their silly ideas about global warming and environmental responsibility. These interfere with Stephen's plans for the oil fields of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Who cares about the environment!?

- Canadian prospectors and miners

Canadian religious organizations, churches of most denominations [except for The Alliance Church of which Mr. Harper is a member], clergy and all who are associated with them. People of other religions are certainly not 'Canadian enough' for Stephen Harper. And he does not approve of our efforts to help the disadvantaged worldwide through these organizations and agencies. This is why he has "withdrawn funding" for aid programs.

- the Canadian lumber and wood products industry and all employees of this important Canadian industry...and their families and communities...especially in Quebec.

- Canadian churches of most types. He recently called the Kairos Program "anti-Semitic" and withdrew the funding that these organizations have used for over twenty years to help those who are hungry, homeless, seeking justice and hope around the world.

- Canadian families

- Canadian gays and lesbians and trans-gender people

- Canadian Immigrants

- Canadians with unwanted matter how that happened. - Steve thinks they should be punished!

- Canadian businesses and business people. He favours foreign businesses and business people...mostly Americans.

- Canadian Research and Development - "Let others be creative and we'll sell them [dirty] oil." says Stephen.

- Canadian water and soil and air and sovereignty and security and our environmental reputation in the wider world as responsible global citizens. He hates them all!

- A National Vision that guides all Canadians and the nation into a safe and prosperous and free future filled with Hope. This is the last thing Stephen Harper would want. He hates this kind of hopeful, optimistic, homegrown Canadian thinking.


See my essay on this site entitled The Future: Peace Pays [Exploring The Canadian Identity] for a hopeful Vision for Canada in the 21st Century. It's Part Three of Building The Canadian Dream. I have gathered good ideas from many Canadians to create a possible Plan for our Future...a Hopeful future for our children and all children.

Stephen Harper doesn't realize that we are the greatest nation that has ever existed and that we have a responsibility to the global community, to our children and to our selves to act. He is surrounded by genius and does not and cannot see it. We must act and we must act together soon if we hope to survive and succeed as an independent sovereign nation.


- He doesn't love our people, our communities, our land and water ways, our values, our bush country, our democratic system with it's principles, processes, institutions, personalities and social agreements.

- He doesn't love our First Nations peoples and their annoying land claims and other complaints.

- He doesn't like all of the nations who make up the Canadian Cultural Mosaic.

- Last but not least - Stephen Harper hates the truth. It is certain to hurt him and he knows it. Tough luck!


This is obviously an incomplete list of what our current Prime Minister hates about us, our nation and our lifestyle. However I think it conveys an important impression about this man and his intentions towards us as Canadians and his intentions about our children,

He wants to rob them, hurt them, put them in harm's way in many ways, and exclude them from the social contract. He wants to punish and alienate them and leave them with a third rate education and third rate employment to go with it. He doesn't believe in our children and doesn't think they deserve The Best. He wants to rob them of their heritage as citizens of Canada and inheritors of our sovereignty. I strongly disagree!

He wants to condemn them to a future filled with environmental disaster and war and want and humiliation and perhaps slavery and fear and violent death. This is a BETRAYAL of the most outrageous type.

I have a better idea!


Yo Canada!

This all leaves a person wondering "Who and what exactly does Stephen Harper love if not Canada and Canadians?" Who indeed!?

Read elsewhere on this blog for evidence of who Stephen Harper loves and serves. He certainly does not serve the Canadians I know. He embarrasses them and betrays them...but he does not love them.

He wants to make Canada into an oil ghetto. But Canadians want independence and dignity. We are still...Canada -True North Strong and Free!

Our success does not depend upon the sale of oil to foreign countries at great environmental expense. Our success and potential is in the Canadian people, not in the American banks.

"Yo Canada - We stand on guard for thee!"



CanNurse said...

EXCELLENT blog, John! Thanks so much. Will be sharing, & filing for reference. I keep wishing that a list like this was printed everyday in Canadian newspapers. People don't seem to notice - at least not 34% of them. Hard to understand that!

CanNurse said...

Wait, John. Just re-read the list! I can't believe that you left out WOMEN?! Harper hates Women! There's even a facebook group about his well-known hatred of women - unless they are silent, obedient, pregnant & at home -in the kitchen or caring for the children, as per his religion.
Please add Women!!


John Williams said...

My apologies. That glaring oversight has been corrected. Thanks for the help.

"Life is s team sport."